
Showing posts from July, 2021

Taking Positive Action

When I was very young in my career, I came across a quote that made me sit up and take notice.  At the time, I couldn't exactly explain why it struck a chord so deeply in me; but it simply did.  It's only as I've grown and lived it's truth that I've begun (yes, only begun) to understand. The quote is from Reverend Vaughan Quinn, the famous (or infamous) plucky Canadian Catholic priest of Detroit's Sacred Heart, and chief personality of the Flying Fathers Hockey team.  It goes like this: "The only way to get positive feelings about yourself is to take positive actions.  Man does not live as he thinks, he thinks as he lives." As a recovered alcoholic himself, and the man responsible for developing an institution to help alcoholics and addicts gain and maintain sobriety, he undoubtedly understood this far more than I ever will. Before I became a life coach, happiness was something very extrinsic to me.  It was based on circumstances, conditions, and all s...